Friday, January 8, 2010

Education Reform

The latest U.S. News and World Report devoted their entire print issue to education reform (again). The lead editorial is linked here:

After 15 years spent in the trenches I am becoming increasingly frustrated to read the latest trends, guesses, data, etc. It is really not as difficult as we make it out to be. What we lack across this country is the willpower to implement the necessary things.

What do I see as the keys to meaningful reform:

1. A guaranteed an viable curriculum (State driven at the least, and now is the time to really discuss and implement National Standards).
2. Accountability at all levels (from the custodian through the Superintendent).
3. Reward at all levels - Yes, I mean perfomance pay.
4. Focus - schools are asked to do too many things that serve too many masters.
5. Longer school years or at least a move away from an agrarian calendar (students do not need 3 months of summer).

Take a look at U.S. News and World Report's Education website. Great articles from multiple perspectives.


cartwright science said...

I agree with the reforms you mentioned, but I think you missed one key one. That is ensuring teacher and administrative workload is such that they can be reflective, innovative, and collaborative instead of having them just have time to get through the day.

Joe Mehsling said...

Hey Barry -

Great addition. You know I've sadi this 100 times before, but it is worth repeating. The profession has changed so much in the last decade, yet our time has not increased to get these things done, in fact it might get worse with the looming budget crisis affecting Colrado and the rest of the country. For example, the state of Hawaii is discussing reducing the school year by 17 days!

Anonymous said...

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